The ball is over, long live the ball! With the traditional taps the Officers’ ball – which took place during the night from January 17th to January 18th at the Hofburg residence – came to an end. Already for the 76th time the officers of the Austrian Armed Forces had the pleasure to invite a wide variety of guests from around the world to spend a glamorous night. This years’ motto – Europe dances! – had been chosen to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Austrias entry into the European Union as well as the 70th anniversary of the re-establishment of the Austrian Armed Forces and it could be felt throughout all halls at the Hofburg during the various musical and dance performances.
We as the ball comitee were particularly delighted to – in accordance with this years’ motto – be joined by the military representatives of the member states of the European Union.
Finally we, the ball comitee, would like to thank our ball guests for joining us at the Officers’ ball since it is only through your attendance that the ball receives its glamor. For everyone interested in the Officers’ ball – whether you are a long-standing guests or you want to experience the ball for the first time: The 77th Officers’ ball will take place on January 16th 2026!
Here you can find the pictures and videos from the ball

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